New Research Focus on Lifestyle, Risk Reduction, Improved Diagnosis and Early Detection of Alzheimer's

Recently, AIM's sister organization, the Alzheimer's Association, convened the world's largest conference of Alzheimer's and dementia researchers at the Alzheimer's Association International...

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Working Together Celebrating Together

Since my wife Denise was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2012, I have known the devastation of the disease. Virtually everyday this disease robs so much from both the diagnosed individual and their...

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Doubling AIM Membership - How We Did It

Four months ago, we challenged Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM) members to multiply their impact by recruiting at least 10 friends or colleagues to join AIM. We created the AIM Power of Ten Challenge...

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AIM, Alzheimer's Association Appeal for Increased Federal Research Funding at NIH Answered

The Alzheimer's Impact Movement, the Alzheimer's Association and our nationwide network of dedicated advocates are celebrating breaking news from Washington - federal research funding for Alzheimer's...

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Help AIM Grow One Member at a Time

Over the last few years the Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM) has begun to drive substantial changes in the way Washington acts on Alzheimer's disease. AIM continues to work with Congress to increase...

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Amplify Your Advocacy Reach with New Social Media Tools

These days nearly every member of Congress is using Twitter, Facebook or Instagram on a regular basis. The era of congressional offices sending out press releases as the main way to convey the Member...

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Continuing to Drive the Pace of Alzheimer's Research

Last week I testified before the House Labor, Health and Human Services (Labor-HHS) Appropriations Subcommittee about Alzheimer's research funding. I submitted written testimony prepared by our...

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The Facts are Clear: Congress Must Act on Alzheimer's

We all know the impact Alzheimer's has on families across the country. Today, our sister organization, the Alzheimer's Association, released the 2017 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures report. This...

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Bipartisan Consensus - More Must Be Done in the Fight to End Alzheimer's

The Alzheimer's Impact Movement (AIM) and our sister-organization, the Alzheimer's Association, are encouraged to see that the 115th Congress is picking up where the 114th Congress left off - with a...

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Ronald Reagan Fought Alzheimer's - Congress Can Honor His Legacy by Doing the Same

This blog post was prepared for and originally appeared on Independent Journal Review on February 6, 2017.President Reagan once said, "To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make...

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